
« Leading Sustainability Transformations »  

Interdisciplinary and cross-sector views on the transitions needed to bring about sustainable change.

Opening up to the world, to new disciplines, comparing ideas, asking questions, reinventing, venturing forth…

Unframed thinking.

For the Rennes SB Summit, on 9 and 10 October 2023, we invite you to venture beyond the existing framed thinking. Over 20 renowned researchers and key figures from right around the globe – from Princeton to Oxford via Manchester and Nagoya –, will convene here to tackle the major challenges of sustainable transformation through the prism of interdisciplinarity and intersectoriality.

An unprecedented event introduced by the Centre for Unframed Thinking (CUT), the world’s first business school-based institute for advanced studies, whose aim is to champion and promote interdisciplinary research projects at the highest international level.

Our mission comprises stimulating dialogue, decompartmentalising and breaking down the silos. Human and social sciences will share the same platform as the hard sciences – climatology, ecology, technology, mathematics, sociology and environmental sciences – to initiate positive, lasting solutions on a small and large scale.

Researchers, intellectuals, entrepreneurs and directors will communicate with one another to co-build top-level research with real impact.

How do we fund transitions? How do we innovate to benefit the climate? How can we rethink capitalism? How do we put artificial intelligence to good use? How do we reinvent regional and international cooperation? How do we transform production models? We are bombarded by the how and the why of it all in the quest for a long-term solution!

With the Rennes SB Summit, our motto embraces collective intelligence to reinvest in meaningfulness in a more targeted manner and take an active interest in society’s upheavals. Let’s dare to think, in the plural, to rise above the challenges that face us.

Let’s champion lasting transformation, which fashions the world of today and tomorrow.

Rennes School of Business, Unframed Thinking.

Over the course of two days, take part in our plenary sessions, workshops and masterclasses, which will address the major social issues of today and tomorrow, through a multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral programme, to be discovered here, made up of three highlights:

  • In the morning, plenary sessions for researchers and institutions: CROSSED VIEWS ON RESEARCH BY RENNES SB SUMMIT
  • In the afternoon, workshops for researchers and institutions: RESEARCH & PRACTICE BY RENNES SB SUMMIT
  • In the evening, conferences open to all, on the major issues facing the Brittany: MASTERCLASS BY RENNES SB SUMMIT

Free and compulsory registration, limited number of places.


Yacine Ait-Sahalia

Professor of Finance and Economics, Princeton University
Université de Princeton

Guillaume Bagnarosa

Rennes School of Business

Salvador Barrios

Head Fiscal Policy Unit, European Commission
Commission Européenne

Michaël Benzaquen

CNRS Research Scientist, Chair of Econophysics & Complex Systems LadHyX & Department of Economics, Ecole Polytechnique
École Polytechnique.

Alberte Bondeau

Research Fellow
Centre National de Recherche Scientifique

Jean-Marie Bonnin

Professor and researcher in the Network Systems, Cybersecurity and Digital Law Department
Institut Mines-Télécom, Rennes

Raouf Boucekkine

Associate Dean for Research and Full Professor, Director of CUT
Rennes School of Business

Nadjib Brahimi

Professor in the department of Supply Chain Management and Information Systems, Director of MSc in Data and Business Analytics, Rennes School of Business
Rennes School of Business

Gibson Burrell

Professor of Organisation Theory at University of Manchester
Université de Manchester

François Chanlat

Professor of Organizational Sciences at the University of Paris-Dauphine
Université Paris-Dauphine

Loïg Chesnais-Girard

Conseil Régional de Bretagne

Luca Colombo

Rennes School of Business

Andy Dobson

Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Princeton University
Université de Princeton

Robin Duponnois

Research Director and Director of LSTM
Laboratoire des Symbioses Tropicales et Méditerranéennes

Toshio Fukuda

Program Director (PD), The Moonshot Research and Development Program, Japan Science and Technology Agency
Japan Science and Technology Agency.

Alan Fustec

Founding President
Goodwill Management

Thomas Georgelin

CMI Director
Group Rouiller

Joël Guiot

Research Director
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique & Comité National Français des Changements Globaux

Jacob Jojo

Rennes School of Business

Hervé Kermarrec

MEDEF Bretagne

François Klein

Technical Director
Reverse Systems

Pierre Lenders

Head of Sustainability
Capital Fund Management

Mike Livermore

Professor of Law, Director, Program in Law, Communities and the Environment, University of Virginia
Université de Virginie

Ted Loch-Temzelides

George & Cynthia Mitchell Professor in Sustainable Development Rice Scholar in Energy Studies, Baker Institute
Institut Baker - Université Rice

Youenn Lohéac

Associate Professor in Economy
Rennes School of Business

Franco Miglietta

Research Director at CNR

André Nemeh

Associate Professor in Strategy and Innovation
Rennes School of Business

Xavier Ragot

Observatoire Français des Conjonctures Economiques (OFCE)

Rick Van der Ploeg

Research Director of Oxford Centre for Analysis of Resource Rich Economies
Oxford Centre for Analysis of Resource Rich Economies

Minggang Zhang

Deputy Director General
Huawei France


Rennes School of Business

2 Rue Robert d'Arbrissel
35000 Rennes

Additional information (parking, underground, etc.)

Building 1